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Finding coding syntax errors


Hope someone can help me.
I'm a newbie on FreePascall, but used Borland Pascal since mid '80s. 
How do I find the line that caused this compiler message.

     test.pas(131,4) Error: Incompatible types: got "untyped" expected...
     test.pas(140,1) Fatal: There were 2 error, etc.

I'm not worried about the actual error, just do not know how to find it.
I'm using FreePascall 2.6.4 from FreePascal IDE.

clicking (or double clicking in my case) the error should open the file at the correct position of the error. sometimes the cursor is placed on the command that raised the error but most of the times it is placed on the next command.


--- Quote from: asta90272 on August 03, 2014, 12:59:33 am ---How do I find the line that caused this compiler message.

     test.pas(131,4) Error: Incompatible types: got "untyped" expected...

--- End quote ---

If clicking or double-clicking on the Message does not jump to the offending line for some reason, the error position is indicated by the numbers in parentheses after the source file name. So here the error is in test.pas just before character 4 of line 131.

Please notice this, guys:

--- Quote from: asta90272 on August 03, 2014, 12:59:33 am ---I'm using FreePascall 2.6.4 from FreePascal IDE.

--- End quote ---
I don't really remember since I haven't used the text mode IDE for a long time, but still the compiler always shows message in the format: <file path> "(" <line number> "," <column number> ")" <compiler message>, it's just a matter of mapping those variables to your file.

Thanks so much!!! I thought it was trivial, and am so glad I don't have to reinstall something.


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