Forum > FPC development
[SOLVED] Unrecognized Opcodes
Stock Lazarus is 32-bit, are you sure you installed the 64-bit crosscompiler and selected it a 64-bit target, since that is 64-bit assembler?
The FASM hex looks strange, using the db66 escape prefix, which means that that instruction is not in native 64-bit mdoe?
The same instruction 32bit:
--- Code: --- //adcx EAX, [EBX+8*EDX]
db 066h db 00Fh db 038h db 0F6h db 004h db 0D3
--- End code ---
Hmm, if I google a bit, seems that these are Broadwell instructions. These chips are only sampling at the moment, so this is very bleeding edge.
Seems trunk hasn't got them yet either.
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