Forum > PDAs and Smartphones
WinCE progress
Sandeep Chandra:
I was just wondering where is WinCE stuff at. I haven't seen much info regarding it in the forums lately. Where can I get latest info about WinCE stuff? How many people are working on this? I need answers as I will try to put my case to use Lazarus on WinCE to my boss who wants to use CF. Should I really be pushing Lazarus against CF for PDA development.
It would be great if someone could shed some light on following:
1. Can I write a commercial application using Lazarus?
2. Will I own the source code or will I have to open source it?
3. Can I sell these applications?
Thanks is advance.
Well, I don't know who is involved in WinCe port, but you are helping to this project to growth, using it, reporting bugs, and of course, solving bugs through the Mantis BugTracking.
--- Quote ---1. Can I write a commercial application using Lazarus?
--- End quote ---
Of course. I eat, drink and live like you ;)
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2. Will I own the source code or will I have to open source it?
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No, the code will have the licenses you want.
But, if you modify something about lazarus itself code or freepascal code (both GPLed), this improvements are opensource too.
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3. Can I sell these applications?
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This is like point 1, true? Well..yes, you can. If you want, you can sell Lazarus itself, but you must offer the source (in GPL license).
GPL (opensource) <> Free
Free as speak, not as a beer <- remember this.
Well, the main arguments against using Lazarus+WinCE in a end-user project for me currently are twese things:
1. the forms/windows are not yet fully fitting (forms can be moved, sub-forms do not appear completely at first)
2. threads: I have a button that starts a thread doing something that takes longer. Sometimes the thread starts, sometimes not.
3. the app I'm working on runs (except for #2) in the emulator, but not on the device, where it terminates after less than a second.
BUT: wit Lazarus, I've seen improvements every other day, so I'm staying :D
Which leads me to a question: where best to discuss WinCE problems? Shouldn't the be a WinCE subforum here? ;) And where exactly would I report problems to which bugtracker?
> Which leads me to a question: where best to discuss WinCE problems? Shouldn't the be a WinCE subforum here?
Yes, seams a good idea to me.
> Wink And where exactly would I report problems to which bugtracker?
You report bugs on the main bug tracker. It´s the link called "Bugs" on the left part of lazarus website. It takes you to this bug tracker:
Then you can submit a bug as either a bug on the compiler or a bug on lazarus.
Ouch, how could I've missed that bug tracker link :D
Thanks, I'll probably get around to debugging this weekend and will try to use the bugtracker then :)
(it's a bit complicated currently since I've got one machine that can compile for ARM, one that does run the emulator, and one that can upload to a real device :D )
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