Forum > Linux PDAs

Label, font size problems


I have problem with my program when I crosscompile it to Raspberry PI.
It is simple form with few labels (standard palette) on and two buttons.

--- Code: ---procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Label1.Font.Height := 20;
  Label2.Font.Size := 20;
  Label3.Font.Color := clred;
  Label4.Font.Style := [fsbold];
  Button2.Font.Size := 15;

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  Label1.Font.Height := 0;
  Label2.Font.Size := 0;
  Button2.Font.Size := 0;

--- End code ---

When I run this on win7 and I press Button1 I get labels modified according to code.
When I crosscompile this code on ARM (Raspberry PI), Label1 and Label2 dissapere from screen. Text in Button2 also dissapeare. Label3 become red and Label4 become bold.
When I press Button2 Label1 and Label2 are visible again in normal size. The same with button2.

The computer that I am using for programing is Win7, 32 bit PC.
Program is Typhon32IDE v4.8; FPC version 2.7.1; SVN revision: 44546
Library for crosscompile is arm-linux-pi downloades from server this week.

I susspect that it has something to do with compiling massage

--- Quote ---Options changed, recompiling clean with -B
project1.lpr(22) Warning: "crti.o" not found, this will probably cause a linking failure
project1.lpr(22) Warning: "crtbegin.o" not found, this will probably cause a linking failure
project1.lpr(22) Warning: "crtend.o" not found, this will probably cause a linking failure
project1.lpr(22) Warning: "crtn.o" not found, this will probably cause a linking failure
Project "project1" successfully built

--- End quote ---

But surfing on the net didn't give me any good solution. Have any any idea how to solve this?

Regards, Matija


I install Linux Debian on new machine and also install CodeTyphon with cross compile to ARM.
I made the same program as above and on Linux was working OK, when I cross compile to arm and run it on Raspberry PI I get the same problem.
Label1 and Label2 disappere where I press Button1 and reappere when I press Button2. Tha same with Buton2 text.

Does anybody cross compile to Raspberry PI and can manage text size on Labels or Buttons?
I will be very grateful for any pointing direction to salve my problem.


I assume that you visited ?

I did visit this site, but no solution.
Solution that works is that I write program on PC, transfer files to RPI, compile it there and I have no more problems with label size and coloring.



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