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How do I suppress unnecessary hints?


When I start compiling my project, I get these messagges:

--- Code: ---Hint: Start of reading config file /home/hinst/development/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file /home/hinst/development/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.cfg
Hint: Start of reading config file FreePasConf.txt
Using GTIWS_FPC_conf.txt file
Hint: End of reading config file FreePasConf.txt
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.5 [2014/03/28] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2012 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Linux for x86-64

--- End code ---
How do I suppress these hints while keeping active useful hints?

See attached screenshot

But I build it on remote PC, I don't have Lazarus, only FPC

It corresponds to fpc option -vm<message code>,<message code>. Unfortunately, I don't have list of the message code. At least you could browse lazarus source online to look for the message codes.

thanks, I got it working now


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