The MPlayer Component from Mattias Gaertner now also works for Lazarus/Windows Combination.
Not now, Mattias...
I've searched the internet for MPlayer coz' I have many old Delphi working sources using TMPlayer and PlaySound, and I wanted to convert these programs to
Linux (Debian 11.5 64 bits with the last Lazarus) and I've found that topic.
I downloaded the files from the 4th link of the first post (
I installed
MPlayerCtrl, with a problem in MPlayerCtrl.pas... : "
Wrong number of parameters" here (line 835) :
WidgetInfo := GetWidgetInfo(NewWidget,true); // destroyed in MPLayerWidgetDestroyCB
So I commented out that line and added another one :
WidgetInfo := GetWidgetInfo(NewWidget); // jpt
Restarted install = OK but now, the new line causes SIGSEGV with the example found in
mouse on LCLObject displays the following :
So I tried the following : reboot computer, start Lazarus, create a new application, open Multimedia tab and double-click on the TMPlayer icon, a component is drawn on form, ok, so F9 and ACCESS VIOLATION at line 837 of MPlayerCtrl.pas...
And if I try to move up the Multimedia tab from ide menu / Tools / Options / Components' Palette, when I close the Options dialog, ide crashes.
In 3rd post I read
See examples\FullFeatured\mplayerTestHarness.lpr
Nothing like that in my computer (Debian 11.5, FPC 3.2.2, Laz 2.2.4)...
Dunno what to do now...
Thanks for help
PS : i run under
X/gtk2, as required by the ReadMe.
PPS out of topic : how to insert images in text ?