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MySQL client driver

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It works any way you like it to work. For example most of the times when some one says middle ware in the delphi/pascal world they mean a small library that can return a number of rows from a predefined or dynamicaly build  sql command and manage them as if they were data in a dataset. It's not very hard to do something like that if the plumping is already there eg brook framework. It has everything needed to receive and react on commands send to it through a web server. The reaction might be a simple compressed stream of data which can then be uncompressed in to a dataset at the clients end.
It only means that one more layer (tier) is between you and your data. eg a two tier architecture is a client server with the sqlserver being one tier and your application the second one. What I described above would be seen as a 3tier application with you writting the 3rd tier as a service in one of your lan computer.

You can always see if you can use an ORM like mORM that advertise it self as a SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) ORM

Okay. I really have spare some time to look at it. On my other forum they always talk about a n-tier is the best way to talk to a server with less communication. I haven't seen the real purpose in Delphi with a client/server in datasnap. But This could be some different and even better.
To be continued.......


--- Quote from: taazz ---There is a way to avoid the client library altogether and talk to the server through tcp/ip directly but that would require to rewrite the client communication your self or simple buy which claims that it can bypass the libmusql and talk to the server.

--- End quote ---
Unfortunally MyDAC doesn't compile with wince settings.

I don't have MyDAC my self, so I can't help on converting it to WinCE but if you post the errors here we might be able to guide you to the most appropriate path. Or better yet go with the middleware


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