Forum > Operating Systems

What OS do you prefer when you develop with Lazarus ?

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Fred vS:
Hello everybody.

Maybe you have a multi-boot system, maybe not...

I have a multi-boot system with Windows 7, Ubuntu and Mac OSX.

But when i have to develop with Lazarus, i prefer to use Linux Ubuntu.
The Linux compilation is much faster than with Windows 7  (OSX is slowest).

Because all OS are installed with the same version of Lazarus, no problem to compile later the working code on the OS i want.

And you, what do you use ?

Suse Linux 10.0


Multi-selection of the options might be nice, as some of the respondents use multiple systems.

I'm still using my Vista system as I have not yet migrated my dev env to my W7 system (lazy, I suspect).  I also have a few linux VMs and I've played with Laz on them, but have not gotten serious about developing in those env's as yet.

Fred vS:

--- Quote ---Multi-selection of the options might be nice, as some of the respondents use multiple systems.
--- End quote ---

OK, done.

PS : Multi-selection or Sub-options are not allowed with pools... :-X

I'm using Code Typhon installed on linux mint (based on ubuntu). Linux is my main system for 4 years, but CodeTyphon has build-in cross compile solution so my targets are linux and windows users


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