@gulyone: although it does work when you give everyone right to do everything to a systemwide directory, it is generally considered a bad security practice. Although you may be an only user on that machine and you don't expect an attack from the Internet, I'd advise you to try a more security conscious approach - who knows where you may need to install or use Lazarus in the future. I've slapped together a short howto post to get one started, so you may take a look: http://lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,14960.msg79815.html#msg79815
do I know you ? do I need you ?
I gently answered to a general question to help many ppl , and twice u tried to turn it into a personal thing @@@turborascal
Here the question is "is there any Ubuntu repo for laz 1.0 to be installed" , that means to me -as there is no repo , YET- , how to intsall laz nicely and quickly on the Ubuntu distro, particulary.
Thats the approach my method , my method installs
quick and ready to use laz , i did never pretend my method to enforce your security system in a better way than central bank of usa . There are other forums , a lot of linux forums , for these stuffs.
Please keep in mind that :
1) installing a software is a starting point, not a goal !! (arnt u a geeko ? lol)
2) people installing are from diff skill levels
3) the faster you have the soft installed , the better peeps trying it are gona advice their friends and promote it
want laz to die ? make it harder
SO ! I answered the subject my way, to help many peeps , I expect your way around
the subject (sumthing constructive if possible LOL) , instead of pulling out of it ... TY
P.S. : in case of you want to pick on me @@@@@@turborascal, send pm. READY !