Hi to all Laz-Proggers,
I'm just doing (another) FrontEnd for the MPlayer, using:
Lazarus v0.9.30
MPlayer v0.6.10.
I know, there are quite a lot MPlayer-FrontEnds already done, like
SMPlayer, QMPlayer, TMPlayer, MPUI, MPUI-Ve, Cactus JukeBox, but
obviously not too many written in Lazarus yet.
Everything is working fine (Start/Stop, Play/Pause, Seek/SeekOnDragging, etc.), but:
In Paused-State, the MPlayer, on each 'SendCommand':
- steps one Frame forward, and
- unmutes for an instance (means Sound is heard),
even when using the 'pausing_keep'-SendCommand-Prefix - This is not really paused.
Of course, I could do some progging around, like:
Mute -> SaveCurrentPosition -> SendCommand -> RestoreLastPosition -> UnMute,
but may be there is some better way.
So, here my question:
Does anybody know, how to keep the MPlayer really paused ?