Forum > Packages and Libraries
Error when installing new packages
Hi Everybody,
Although a long journey with Pascal / Delphi I’m starting with Lazarus. My first need was to assemble a library of routines and components that come from Delphi to be used in multiple projects in Lazarus, from now on. My question is this: I needed some time ago to prepare Lazarus 0.9.30/2.4.2 cross platform to generate a DLL X64 (StorecProc external X64 for Oracle 10g). I found an article that helped me to make and even worked ( ... 688.0; WAP2). After that, every time I try to install any package the cross compile x64 is invoked and I do not know how to turn it off because I just want to install in x32. I have already uninstalled and removed the Lazarus directory and then reinstalled but every time I try to install a new one the cross compiler package is called and gives error (compiling the package to work but does not install).
Does anyone have any idea what´s going on?
Thanks in advance
Dailton Menezes
Hi EveryBody,
For example, I tried to install ODAC Package and the cross compiler was invoked (see yellow text).
So the point is: how to turn off the x64 compiler. I've already removed Lazurus and its Directory without success. Is there any register key? I´m using W7 Sp1 x32. At the moment, ODAC 7.20 do not handle x64 environment but I just want to install x32.
Thanks in advance
Hint: Start of reading config file c:\lazarus\fpc\2.4.2\bin\i386-win32\fpc.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file c:\lazarus\fpc\2.4.2\bin\i386-win32\fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.4.2 [2011/04/14] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2010 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win64 for x64
Compiling dac10.pas
Compiling C:\Program Files\Devart\ODAC\Source\CRAccess.pas
Compiling C:\Program Files\Devart\ODAC\Source\MemData.pas
C:\Program Files\Devart\ODAC\Source\MemData.pas(436,14) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by
--- Quote ---So the point is: how to turn off the x64 compiler.
--- End quote ---
Check target CPU and OS everywhere, notably compiler option and configure build lazarus.
--- Quote ---I've already removed Lazurus and its Directory without success. Is there any register key?
--- End quote ---
No use if the configuration file still exists, Lazarus installation typically writes nothing to registry.
I made some changes in the section Configure Build Lazarus and could advance. Now a new problem arose in attempting to install the ODAC and recompiling the IDE:
C:\lazarus\components\codetools\ctxmlfixfragment.pas(1,1) Fatal: Can't find unit LazarusPackageIntf used by CodeTools
Any idea?
Clean the .o and .ppu first, probably as a result of previous compilation
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