
Author Topic: Horde3D 1.0 Beta5 for Pascal  (Read 7961 times)


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Horde3D 1.0 Beta5 for Pascal
« on: June 19, 2011, 05:12:41 am »
Hey guys, in case you didn't know what Horde3D is, it is a lightweight and modern 3D graphics engine which relies heavily on shaders. You need at least an OpenGL 2.0 compatible graphics card in order for the engine to work.
The official Horde3D homepage can be found at
While studying computer science at the university of Augsburg we used (or had to use ;) ) Horde3D for a number of projects (especially games) and after a while I began to really like the engine.
Some time ago Srki_82 made Pascal bindings for 1.0Beta4 which unfortunately stopped working - well at least they stopped working for me.

Beta5 of Horde3D has been released just two weeks ago, so it's all very new and shiny. :)
(Well, I actually rewrote most of the bindings from scratch and updated the dependencies and the KnightPas demo.)
For those of you who prefer classes over functions I wrapped some of the functions up into a few classes in the unit Horde3DHelpers.
Besides Windows, Mac OS X (except for the PowerPC architecture) and Linux are now supported as well. Windows 64 should also work if you compile GLFW for the 64-bit architecture yourself. (If you want to compile for Mac OS X you need to download and compile GLFW as a static library and put it somewhere where the FreePascal compile could find the file.)
I tested the bindings with FPC 2.5.1 and 2.4.2, I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work with Delphi though. (But I don't think anyone here is concerned with Delphi ;) ) Lazarus project files are included.
I also the translated the Chicago demo to Pascal.

The downloads and source code can be found on Github: (The separate download page is located here:
The compiled shared library files have been uploaded to the Github wiki:


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Re: Horde3D 1.0 Beta5 for Pascal
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2011, 12:06:13 pm »
Hello, I saw the homepage of the project. I thinks it's amazing work. Sometime I was looking for a good 3dEngine because I want to learn abour 3D programing, and I read about Unreal engine But there isn't Pascal Headers.

Now I found your engine, And I think it's the engine that I was looking for, because It's a good project and I think  it woks in Lazarus.


« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 12:12:17 pm by BlueIcaro »


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Re: Horde3D 1.0 Beta5 for Pascal
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2011, 01:46:54 pm »
Now I found your engine, And I think it's the engine that I was looking for, because It's a good project and I think  it woks in Lazarus.

Well, it is not really "my" engine. Horde3D was not made by me, I just made it possible to use the latest Horde3D version in (Free)Pascal. :)
It definitely works with Lazarus, Lazarus project files are included and I used Lazarus quite a lot to build and test the Knight and Chicago examples.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 04:41:22 pm by Stoney »


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