Forum > Android

android4pascal unable to compile



Im trying to compile app that uses android4pascal package, but I'm unable to do it!

I have osx, and crosscompiler setup ok, i can compile simple app, without any uses, to linux-arm executable, and execute it from shell on my phone (milestone running Cyanogen 7).

But, when i download systeminfo4android, and try to compile it, in lazarus it says it needs FCL 1.0.1?!?! and i have only FCL 1.0???

And if i change requested version to 1.0 it says:
"/Users/amos/temp/systeminfo4android/androidview.pas(442) Error: Error while assembling exitcode 1".

I have fpc "Free Pascal Compiler version 2.4.4 [2011/06/04] for i386" installed with fink from sources, and lazarus installed from official .dmg file, version 0.9.30 r30219.

Where is my problem??


Ummm, what if you rebuild clean the package? There is an option for doing that in the package manager.

I develop with Lazarus 0.9.31, that's probably what caused the problem. Another solution might be upgrading your IDE.


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