Forum > Linux
Running Ubuntu 64 bit but trying to target 32?
I have a system that runs Ubuntu 64 bit. So when I compile things, only works on 64bit machines.
I did some searching, but couldn't come up with a full answer on what all needs done to target 32bit (i386) ?
I can switch to that target, but when I do fpc -i , i have no i386 targets.. only 64bit ones.
When your cross target is a different architecture (instead of just OS), you need to build the cross compiler. Read the wiki for a how-to. For i386-linux target, you also need to build binutils' cross linker (only the assembler currently exists internally in the compiler).
ya, i found that a bit ago.. it seemed like things were almost there.. in the codetyphoon launcher, it showed 32bit FPC was available... but not 32bit lazarus... and i couldn't launch it anymore...
been messing around trying to reinstall again, and still being a pain :(
was using codetyphoon to do all this, but something didnt seem quite right.
just used apt-get to get fpc and lazarus.
its installed and runs.
in the help document
it has this section
* Compile FPC:
bash $ make all CPU_TARGET=i386
it doesn't say what folder to go to. And folders I tried, didn't work.
It must be folder where you have fpc sources (i.e. where is makefile).
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