
Author Topic: How to send email with Lazarus...  (Read 10281 times)


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How to send email with Lazarus...
« on: November 26, 2010, 02:43:07 am »
 :D :D :D
Chers amis de Lazarus...

En regardant les possibilites de Lazarus de traiter les communications
internet... en particulier pour l'envoi de courriel, la documentation
de Lazarus indiquait que sous Linux, les messages seraient placés
dans une 'Queue' et que sous WIndows(XP) c'était plus compliqué.

Effectivement... l'envoi de courriel qui semble une chose si simple
pour l'utilisateur avec son logiciel de courier comme Outlook ou
Evolution... Mais faire ce genre de programme cela releve de

Pour contourner la difficulté, j'ai décidé, que mes programmes
Lazarus, quand ils auront besoin d'envoyer un email, ne procéderaient
pas directement par la gerance de l'interface des communications,
mais par le transfert du message via une application tierce...
dont l'appel se fait par une commande Process...

   cmdlin1:='C:\Program Files\COURRIEL\courriel.exe '+ les parametres de la commande d'envoi du courriel;
   AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);
   AProcess.CommandLine :=cmdlin1;

Mon logiciel de courriel(leger) retenu sous XP est Pegasus...
pegasus en mode de commande... place l'email dans une queue...
donc a la fin de l'execution du programme, il faudra relancer
le programme pegasus et envoyer tous les emails dans la queue...
(lui aussi se sert d'un relais).

sous linux c'est sendemail(paquet debian) et lui, il les envoie
directement par le relais...

Et cela fonctionne de maniere tout a fait confortable...


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Re: How to send email with Lazarus...
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2010, 05:04:26 am »

Could you please post this in English?
I guess you know how to write in English since the subject is English!



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Re: How to send email with Lazarus...
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2010, 05:08:03 am »
To read
Win10, Ubuntu and Mac
Lazarus: 2.1.0
FPC: 3.3.1


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Re: How to send email with Lazarus...
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2010, 08:01:25 am »
For the translation... systran... good enough!!!
Dear friends of Lazarus…

By looking at the possibilities of Lazarus of treating the communications
Internet… in particular for the sending of e-mail, documentation
of Lazarus indicated that under Linux, the messages would be placed
in a “Tail” and that under Windows (XP) it was more complicated.

Indeed… the sending of e-mail which seems a so simple thing
for the user with his software of courier like Outlook or
Evolution… But to make this kind of program that raised of
expert testimony.

To circumvent the difficulty, I decided, that my programs
Lazarus, when they need to send e-mail, would not proceed
not directly by the management of the interface of the communications,
but by the transfer of the message via a third application…
whose call is done by a Process order…

   cmdlin1: = ' C:\Program Files\COURRIEL\courriel.exe '+ parameters of the ordering of sending of the e-mail;
   AProcess: = TProcess.Create (the Nile);
   AProcess.CommandLine: =cmdlin1;

My software of e-mail (light) retained under XP is Pegasus…
pegasus in mode of order… place the e-mail in a tail…
thus the end of the execution of the program has, it will be necessary to start again
the program pegasus and to send all the e-mails in the tail…
(he also makes use of a relay).

under linux it is sendemail (package debian) and him, it sends them
directly by the relay…

And that functions in manner all made comfortable…

Sorry for the translation...

Now... I know that sendemail is supposed to run under windows XP
with TLS support included or not(2 versions of the exe file.


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Re: How to send email with Lazarus...
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2010, 08:05:12 am »
Dear xinyiman

I don know how with sendemail...
but under Windows Xp, if you launch a process with just Pegasus...
you will be able to read email in your mailbox if it correctly

If you find an application to read our email... let me know!!!


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