Okey in the DataModule I declare:
TSinInfo: TDbf;
TSinInfoEMPRESA: TStringField;
TSinInfoRUTA: TStringField;
where TSIninfo is my table and TSinInfoEMPRESA,TSinInfoRUTA are the fields in my table. When I open the table in another unit, I do:
ruta :=ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
DM.TSInInfo.FilepathFull := ruta;
DM.TSinInfo.Tablename := 'SinInfo.dbf';
DM.TSinInfo.Exclusive := True;
It is Ok, but the the project crash when I do
DM.TSInInfoEmpresa.Value := ENombre.Text;
Just in the line DM.TSInInfoEmpresa.Value := ENombre.Text; I get the error message: "PROJECT MYPROJECT RAISED EXCEPTION CLASS 'EXTERNAL: SIGSEGV'". I hope that somebody can help me. Thank
P.D.: Sorry about my english