There is synhighlightercpp for C++ highlighting. However, it doesn't have folding.
There are several highlighters with folding by now. I would say synhighlighterlfm is the easiest to read. So that could serve as example.
(Get)FoldConfig* methods are *not* mandatory. folding will work without them. It's only for the IDE, to be able to switch on/off individual kinds of fold.
Otherwise, best is to ask concrete questions.
There are also one or two (literally only one or two) remarks in the docs folder, xml
First step would be to move the existing (or modified copy) under the foldhighlighter base class.
Main issue I can think of is the "range" (search in SetLine / search fRange). This may be an int, or a set. But in fold, it is an object.
The object provides a space (pointer, need typecast) for the old range.
Then if thats working, you can go about adding the calls to Start/EndCodeFoldBlock