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TINIFile Sig SegV

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captian jaster:
I have a problem.
This is my first time working with INI files and im learning by reading the fcl.
So I have this problem:
It raises and External Sig Seg V Error when i attempted to load it.

--- Code: ---FontSet.Create(FontINI);//Font INI is a constant

--- End code ---

The file does exist on my disk and i dont know what wrong  :\.
Data on the INI File:


Click here  for inifiles 101.

 FontSet := TIniFile.Create(FontINI);

this way you create an instance of a class.

I have encountered that Lazarus needs  one or two blank lines
or lines commented in the first of the file.
I have trouble reading first INI key values if the .INI file do not have these two "dummy" lines.


--- Quote from: alejol0 on August 19, 2010, 10:22:58 pm ---I have encountered that Lazarus needs  one or two blank lines
or lines commented in the first of the file.
I have trouble reading first INI key values if the .INI file do not have these two "dummy" lines.

--- End quote ---
I've never had this problem with Lazarus on Win/XP.


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