macOS / Mac OS X
[1] Working MIDI app for the Mac!
[2] Not able to install "fpc-src-3.2.2-20210709-macosx.dmg" on MacOs Sequoia ( 15.0
[3] Variable = <Error: > no variable value during debugging
[4] Difficulties invoking Code Completion on a Mac? [SOLVED]
[5] Error: linker: error: non-private labels cannot appear between .cfi_startproc
[6] Obtaining path for storing app preferences
[7] Should I install Lazarus 3.99
[8] How do I send CM_/CN_ messages to controls in a cross-platform manner? [SOLVED]
[9] Beeping sound when cursor pressed on TLazVirtualStringTree (The plot thickens..)
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