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Hello Joao Paulo,

I am very happy that you continue to develop CAI!!

Networking and Web Programming / Re: Who is Indy mattias?
« Last post by jollytall on Today at 11:01:45 am »
The error messages are as said above. I made a screenshot of the first errors:

What I also tried is another project that compiles just OK (and does not use any networking, indy or other). Then I add in the Project Inspector the freshly downloaded indylaz to the Required Packages (no unit mentioned explicitly) and I get the 73 error pairs like the ones on the screenshot and obviously a 74th error "Error while linking". If I remove it as a required package then my project (the one without networking) compiles again.
In my networking project, I cannot remove the required package because then the units are not found.
Android / Re: dwindows for Android
« Last post by PierceNg on Today at 10:54:44 am »
Coming back to this after a (long) break, I've now built a demo/exercise app using a webview widget for the user interface, with bidirectional Javascript-Pascal in-process RPC.

The main body of the code loads in-app static content, then binds the names 'HostSayHello' and 'HostExit' for callback to Pascal code from Javascript. Said Pascal code in turns invokes Javascript to manipulate the DOM.

Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1.   webwidget := dw_html_new(1001); // 1001 is an identifier
  2.   if webwidget <> nil then
  3.     begin
  4.       dw_box_pack_start(mainwindow, webwidget, 0, 0, DW_TRUE, DW_TRUE, 0);
  5.       dw_html_url(webwidget, 'file:///android_asset/index.html');
  6.       dw_html_javascript_add(webwidget, 'HostSayHello');
  7.       dw_html_javascript_add(webwidget, 'HostExit');
  8.       dw_signal_connect(webwidget, DW_SIGNAL_HTML_MESSAGE, @html_message_callback, nil);
  9.     end;

Screenshot of the app running in Android emulator attached.
FPC development / Re: create system unit from scratch
« Last post by Laksen on Today at 10:53:57 am »
jmp_buf is a record used to store the state of the CPU for the setjmp and longjmp procedures. This functionality is used for exception handling. They are already implemented for MIPS in rtl/mips/setjump*.inc which is included by

TExceptAddr is as the name hints also used for exception handling and implemented in a generic way shared by all the targets in included by
TGuid stores a GUID. The compiler needs to point to it during compilation when GUIDs are needed. Also implemented in a generic manner in included by

The key to implementing a systems unit is to get the proper defines, paths and system specific dummy functionality (usually residese in sys*/tthread/ files) implemented. There's no documentation but you should see how other system units are structured
Beginners / Re: how to get class and method name from inside the method
« Last post by cdbc on Today at 10:52:22 am »
Try playing with:
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. lptr:= MethodAddress(Classname+.+{$I %CURRENTROUTINE%});
Note: When you have this pointer, you can also use 'MethodName();' with it...
edit: I dunno if the 'ClassName'-part is necessary   %)
Regards Benny
Beginners / Re: how to get class and method name from inside the method
« Last post by Joanna on Today at 10:41:48 am »
Thanks blueicaro
That works great once I add classname +’.’

I also wonder if there is a way to get a pointer to procedure I’m in and then send the pointer to another error message procedure which would be able to extract procedure name and make error message
Databases / Re: Database standards OR Am I doing this right?
« Last post by paweld on Today at 10:38:35 am »
@egsuh: Generally, it should be the case that a record should have a semaphore set to inform other users that it is being edited.
But without information about the specific case, it is difficult to say anything.
FPC development / Re: create system unit from scratch
« Last post by Key-Real on Today at 10:34:10 am »
I gonna implement only the minimal requered code in the system unit

pls explain what  type

1)  jmp_buf
2) TExceptAddr
3) TGuid

do and what is minimal implementation of thouse.

I found

but there is no detailed explanation
Networking and Web Programming / Re: Who is Indy mattias?
« Last post by JuhaManninen on Today at 10:25:55 am »
What is the exact error message?
Mattias Gärtner has built the release packages of Lazarus for Linux and MacOS. His home path must be left somewhere although I don't know how it can affect the compilation of your project.
Hello,  you can use {$I %CURRENTROUTINE%}, more info:

Here there is a example:

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