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[solved] Get the Text of a HTML-Page (like it's shown on your screen) into a txt

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Hello :)

First things first: I am from Germany, so my English isn't the best, sorry  O:-)
I learnt the basics of FreePascal in university (engineers have to learn the basics there), so I'm not very skilled in writing some complex programs.

I would like to write a program which writes down what's written on the screen in your browser (thats the body, isn't it?). Just like as if you visited this webpage, pressed Alt+A, then Alt+C, and lastly pasted in with Alt+V in a textfile and saved it.

I read about fphttpclient, but my little knowledge is not enough to understand it. I tried the following and I allways get RunError2 or Unknown Errors...

--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---program BodyAuslesen;{$mode objfpc}{$H+}usessysutils,fphttpclient;var  t:textfile;begin    assignfile(t,'Weber.txt');    reset(t);    WriteLn(t,TFPHTTPClient.SimpleGet(''));    readln;    closefile(t);end.    
The error is in line 10.
I hope the problem isn't hard to solve or anything big O:-)
Thanks for your attention. I’m looking forward to your reply :)

Something tells me you miss a few steps....

Looking at your code there.

 tells me you need to create an instant of that object and you are calling the class directly..

  FPHttpClient :TFpHttpClient;
   FpHttpClient := TFpHttpClient.Create…….

 and in your code

 Writenln(t, fpHttpClient……..

I can't say that will work but I can venture to guess it will work better! :D

  I forgot, make sure you free it when done


Two problems

(1) You did not open the text file for writing. You must call "Rewrite(t)", not "Reset(t)"
(2) This is a https url. Therefore you must put the dlls "libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" into the folder which contains the exe of your program. ATM, I don't know where you can find a good download site, but just use the forum's search function, there were several post regarding using fphttpclient with SSL. Be careful to use the correct bitness: if you create a 32-bit program use the 32-bit dlls, and if you create a 64-bit program use the 64-bit dlls (IIRC, even the 64-bit dlls have the "32" in their name!)

@jamie: SimpleGet is a class function, therefore, you need not create an instance of the class.

Well Slap my butt....


 I am using the ICS set of files slated for my old D3 compiler. I didn't bother to attempt compile them into a installable component, But I converted what
I needed to get the files to work in Lazarus so I could port over an app..

 Currently I have HttpClient, Ftpclient, FptServer etc that all work but I don't have the SSL version...

 I wonder if the author would be interested in making a package set for Lazarus ?


--- Quote from: Kevin95 on November 03, 2018, 03:02:38 pm ---I would like to write a program which writes down what's written on the screen in your browser (thats the body, isn't it?). Just like as if you visited this webpage, pressed Alt+A, then Alt+C, and lastly pasted in with Alt+V in a textfile and saved it.

--- End quote ---

Do note that your code will save the full HTML page as it's come from the server; i.e. including HEAD, all the tags, etc. You'll have to parse it to get the text as it appears in your screen.


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