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[INFO] Lazarus Project Template Manager


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English only, Windows only (should work on other OS platforms, not tested).
License: Unlicense (Public Domain)

Copy pre-configured template directories as a new project directory.
Opens the template directory in the system file browser.

Template Directory
A template directory is a Lazarus project that is pre-configured to your personal specifications.
It must start with the word "Template" (not case sensitive).

.\TemplateDebugProject - a pre-configured Lazarus project with a LazDebugUnit (included).
.\TemplateHelpProject - a pre-configured Lazarus project with a LazHelpUnit.
.\TemplateThreadProject - a pre-configured Lazarus project with a LazThreadUnit.
.\TemplateWebProject - a pre-configured Lazarus project with your favorite web framework components.
.\TemplateWhateverProject - you get the idea...

This feature should be very little used, I am now starting with Lazarus and created a template from a server, and the component is not considering the sub-folders within the template folder, even if you are configuring in the "project.ini" file the "Recurse = 1".

This component was the last update several years ago. Where can I report this bug to get it fixed?

Attached is the listing of the template folder, along with the project configuration file. When creating a new project with this template, Lazarus creates the target folder but does not copy any files to it, and does not give any error messages in the process.


--- Quote from: FLLSilva on July 11, 2019, 11:20:21 pm ---This component was the last update several years ago. Where can I report this bug to get it fixed?

--- End quote ---

According to the github page pointed to in te OP the last commit was in May, this year. That page is also where you should report the bug: click on "issues".

In any event, can't you use the standard "project templates" facility of Lazarus? See Project Templates in the wiki.

I'm sorry, it was my fault, it's the default Lazarus template I'm using, only now that I've seen that yours is another component.

Thank you for your help.


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