Forum > Options

TargetOS returns "win32" or "win64". I need alternative option

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Igor Kokarev:

TargetOS option gives 2 results on Windows - "win32" or "win64". And "darwin" on macOS (32-bit or 64-bit).

Is there any alternative to TargetOS which will give one result on 32-bit and 64-bit version of Windows (for example, "win") and "darwin" for Mac?

We develop a cross-platform app and we plan to use just 2 folders with platform units - one folder Windows (32-bit or 64-bit) app and one for Mac. Currently we use TargetOS in Paths in the Project Options:


--- Quote from: Igor Kokarev on September 05, 2018, 03:11:58 pm ---Currently we use TargetOS in Paths in the Project Options: \Sources\$(TargetOS)

--- End quote ---

Igor Kokarev:
Thanks! It works.

Igor Kokarev:
On macOS $(SrcOS) returns "unix".

How to get "win" and "macOS"?

not a direct answer, but have a look at "custom options" (in project options). There is a field conditional, with example in it. You should probably be able to set anything you need in there.


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