Forum > Database



Hello everyone, I have a problem with mysql and the connection to the db. I installed mysql server on pc, generated db and tables and installed lazarus executable. On a second PC on the network I installed mysql client but I can not connect to the server. can someone help me?

You need to make sure you have the drivers on both computers, that all the connection settings are accurate, and that the ports are open so the computers can talk to the database over network.

1) If your MySQL-Server runs on Linux you'd have to "unbind" the Address the server listens to.
Per default after a fresh install the server listens only to localhost.
At least, that was one of two problems this saturday for me.
No idea though for MySQL-Server on Windows.

2) On the MySQL-Server you have to allow the users to connect from a remote host.
Even the "root"-User is defaulted to "localhost" meaning: even if you use the correct login of Root with its password, if you try to connect from, say, "myLANPC01" to the MySQL-Server on "mySQLServer01", and you've not setup the user properly, a connect will fail.

I'm using MySQL_Workbench for this.
There is another issue with "root": Per Default it uses the auth-something plugin instead of "native-password"-something for authentification. You'd have to setup/correct that too, but only if you really want to use the "root"-account


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