
Author Topic: Adjustment on TCurrencyEdit - rxcurredit . RxLib  (Read 4357 times)


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Adjustment on TCurrencyEdit - rxcurredit . RxLib
« on: March 19, 2018, 04:05:06 pm »
There is a possibility that the TCurrencyEdit, when receiving the Focus in the control the same when it has a mask parameterized in "DisplayFormat" like ", 0.00; -, 0.00", when it receives the focus via Tab, it does a selectall of the value, where you typing it overwrites the value, now when you click on the component, it comes with the focus before the values ​​stored, where the user will enter the value and getting the previous value in front of what is being typed .. this behavior only happens when CLICK the component, if it is via Tab works well, where it receives the focus plus selects the values, and when typing it on writes the value.

No more, and thank you for helping me
Adilson Pazzini


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