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Rebuild Lazarus


Hello! Tell me, please, what compilation options are used when building Lazarus.exe, which comes with the distribution. I could not get exactly this file. Maybe some other compiler can be used for this?

Have a look at

Thank you! But, unfortunately, this did not help.

See bigide rule in the top-level Makefile

It is unlikely that you can build an identical (byte by byte the same) lazarus.exe from inside the IDE. (At least not without major effort)

First of all, the released exe is build *with* debug info, but then stripped (using strip.exe). This may result in different file (strip.exe may strip more data or less data than fpc would add/omit, if compiling without debug info)

Also I do not know, if the order of steps matters, and that again may be diff in the Makefile.

The Makefile itself will contain default options, on top of which the options in the build-lazarus.bat are applied.

The released lazarus.exe is generated using the build-lazarus.bat.

It is build using an svn export of fpc. But the same export is shipped with the installer, so that should not make any difference.

One last note.

IIRC FPC, adds the current date to the exe. So the exe will always differ.

You need to use a binary diff, to check equality, and ignore the diff in the date.


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