Forum > Windows

RSA-AES-Encryption-Decryption-Tool (Signaturing)?


Peter Schoenenberg:
In the attachment there is a small RSA - AES - Encryption - Decryption - Tool, which can also be used for signaturing
The private and public and n = p * q values (see wikipedia Term RSA Kryptosystem) are fixed here (!! unsecure !!)
and initialized by clicking on the public and private and n - Value Buttons.
The key in the keyfield must be given for AES - Encryption
when encrypt a dokument by private key  (plus private key and plus n - Value)
and should be over 32 Ascii - Signs. The decryption needs only the public key and the n value

It is possible to get more secure keys from me, but encryption can take then much time (hours)
when using Keys over 1000 bits.
Please Kontakt me over

I hope there are not so much errors in the project :) Please tell me errors or questions.

 ;D :)

Hi. How can it be used to sign XML files?

@Peter: what bigint library are you using?

Peter Schoenenberg:

The project RSA_AES.7z use uint64 as bigint. uint64 is defined in system, I really don't know, but system is inside project automatically? How can I see, what is in a project automatically?


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